The JUSA House 


Bi-Monthly Shabbat Service and Kiddush

The first and third Shabbat of each month, 10:00 am @ the JUSA House

Join our warm traditional prayer services for a spiritually inspiring experience! Discover the meaning of prayers, soul-filled prayers with spirited song, Hebrew-English user-friendly prayer books, a Torah reading with interactive Torah discussions followed by a Shabbat kiddush. 

To let us know you are attending or to sponsor a kiddush please email, [email protected] or call 301-541-8770.

A project of the Jewish Uniformed Service Association of Maryland 
and Shomrim Society of Maryland


You are cordially invited to the Monthly Family Shabbaton Experience!
For men and women in uniform and their families.

Includes Full Shabbat meal with all the trimmings.

Please call or email for more information and location.